Sparck Technologies has been announced as the winner of the German Packaging Prize 2023 in the digitalization category. The highly regarded award was presented by an independent jury during the largest European packaging exhibition on September 13, 2023, held at the Berlin Meistersaal.
Sparck Technologies impressed the jurors with its comprehensive concept. According to the panel, « the packaging machines CVP Impack and CVP Everest showcase remarkable advancements in the packaging industry. By leveraging cutting-edge digital technologies, they have achieved remarkable efficiency in the packaging domain. »
We take immense pride in receiving the German Packaging Prize 2023 from the esteemed independent jury. This recognition highlights the significant contribution that Sparck Technologies makes to the international packaging industry
Hedde Biesma, Director of Marketing Europe at Sparck Technologies
Established in 1963 by the Advisory Board of the Packaging Rationalization Association (RGV), the German Packaging Prize aims to foster innovation in the industry and support the development of top-notch solutions. Since 1996, the responsibility of organizing the award has rested with the German Packaging Institute e.V., which has successfully transformed it into the largest packaging exhibition in Europe